Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yo fui a la cueva y es muy mal!

Hopefully that says I went to cave and it was very bad! Last week we went to Semuc Champey it was a beautiful place just very different than I was expecting. Our housing was buggy and tarantula infested. It took us about 7 hours to get there on Wednesday and we all just went swimming in the river. There was a small 10 foot platform we jumped off and a small swing but the current was strong so we couldnt just hang out in the water. Thursday we went hiking up a mountain to the top to over look the pools of water below. It was .8 miles straight uphill, like no kidding, and 2 miles down. The hike was awesome and really hard. We drink a lot of water! We played in the water for 4 hours or so which was incredible! The water was freezing and there were little waterfalls and areas where we could slide around. So this one point I accidently took Madeline out. I dont know how to make a smiley face but there would be one here. She was taking her time down the slippery rocks when I lost control and slammed into her. oops ha I couldnt stop laughing but she was hurt and didnt find it funny at all. But we are ok now. This is just a minor incident in comparison to how the caves went. For some reason everyone, including myself, thought it would be a good idea to go in a cave with a candle as our only source of light, not to mention there are bats, freezing water, COMPLETELY PITCH BLACK, and huge sharp boulders of stalagmite and stalagtite. You can only imagine! So this was a 2 hour tour with Rojo who only speaks spanish. Our Professor and translator was at the very back of our group, and i dont really speak spanish. Anyway, everything was going fine until about an hour and half into when I started to feel claustrophobic and we had not turned around yet. While in the cave, I jump off the side into the dark water it was about 15 feets, ok fun, swimming with a candle, different, swimming with one arm, dont recommend it, we went through a waterfall and climbed a latter next to it, ok fun, we swam through bats homes, not so fun, swimming under water while being kicked and kicking others, not so fun, and sliding down a waterfall between 2 boulders and not knowing what was going to happen to me, NOT FUN and NOT FUNNY! ha So heres the story. We were taking the faster way out because everything was takin so long and our candles were getting to small so we were in a hurry. There were 17 people in our group. Ok so I am in the middle and Meredith is right behind me and MAdeline behind here, Remember the order. I dont like small spaces especially in the pitch black and having no idea where I am going to end up. I am about 2 people away for the waterfall and the only directions I was given was lay on your stomach and go feet first, the hole was about a foot in diameter. So I lay down and disappear once it is my turn. I find out that I am behind to huge rocks and its about a 7-10 foot fall, in the waterfall. I smacked the crap out of my face basically and thought I was bleeding, but it turns out I just hit my head really hard in about three or four places. There is instant swelling. I honestly thought I was going to drown because I couldnt see anyone, didnt know where I was or where anyone else was, and I was a little dizzy and in LOTS of pain. Rojo, praise the Lord, grabbed me and was laughing. Ok never laugh at me when I am hurt, first but its ok cause he saved me and didnt speak english. He pulled me to the side and was trying to talk to me, who knows what he was saying, and I was very frazzled. I got to the side and Madeline somehow came down next, or at least thats waht it seemed like. I knew Mere was behind me but i thought maybe they switched. Madeline was flipping out and I grabbed her and brought her to me, then Rojo and our only light source went to find Mere. Somehow she was trapped on the other side of the waterfall having to pull herself up on some rocks to breathe while screaming HELP ME! Once we finally all were together, Rojo went away again, he went to tell the rest of the group not to come down that way because something was wrong. He was gone, no kidding at least 10 minutes which seemed like Eternity!!!!! Oh and it was me, Maddy, Mere, and 3 other girls sitting in the dark crying and panicing. Not the best situation! Holy cow it was scary but finally Rojo came back had the rest of our group and we got out of the cave. That is my near death experience in Guatemala hopefully it was the only time!!
Oh a better note- They had a huge rope swing that we went on and flipped into the river. I really like it! Also we got to ride down the river on tubes all together it was fun not as relaxing as I would have liked it but great! We got back yesterday night and I met my family! I really like them! However, Meredith left today to go home. I already miss you Meredith!!!!!!! So I am switching houses to be with Madeline, they were roomies and I am currently living with another girl who has or had mersa. haha quite the bounch of people! Please Pray for a smooth switch in families. Also tomorrow we start class and volunteering. For our spanish classes we are paired one on one with a professor so hopefully I will be a baller at spanish when I get home. I have been pretty amazed at how much I do remember, but some of the time I understand what people are saying just dont know how to respond.
Oh a funny note, all of the computers here have skype and I was trying to set up an account today but its all in spanish so it is going to be a couple more days haha. Also while we have been sitting in the cafe they played Fix You by Coldplay, which I loved listening to right before I came, so that was exciting!
I got a cell phone and was able to talk to some of my family today which was great! If yall want to call it is cheaper to call from a landline but my number is 01150251739777. Dont leave a message cause I dont know how to check it and its in spanish. Also I think I will getting online at night here so like between 8-11 yalls time, not every day maybe every 3 days or so. But get on facebook if your hanging out and we can chat. I will let you guys know if I get skype cause that would be really fun too. I love you guys!
Things to pray for-
Not having Meredith
my face will heal, I am going to have a purple forehead in pictures for the next 3 weeks!
school and volunteering
our loving family and we will get to hang out with them
my mama as she worries about me, love you mom!
and That I will make time for the Lord daily!
¨Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you are working for the LORD.¨- Colossians 3:23

1 comment:

clint said...

ha-larious! sorry bout ole mere. awesome details though! have a awesome time!